Monday, January 17, 2011

Louis Vuitton, Layer of Paste Paper

Someone once played a joked that to send a gift, you can only send Louis Vuitton. It was definitely not an empty talk. Louis Vuitton's logging on TV, it can reap the practical interests of the market gains, but also scatters the "have a piece of luxury is equivalent to enjoy a happy life" concept throughout the world.

Louis Vuitton, Layer of Paste Paper

In fact, just prior to this, Louis Vuitton and other luxury goods have quietly started shaping the high-end fashion advertising strategy blindly. Recently the ads of Louis Vuitton occupies the print media, "CBN China Business Weekly" and " Life Week". While you can find the television advertising is mainly on the financial channels. Here we can see the target of Louis Vuitton group is very clear. The media might be of certain social status that focus on quality of life of the high-level business elite.

We take a look at the content of these media, there is neither Madonna's sturdy legs, nor the supermodel but a representative of traveling theme, the essence of Louis Vuitton.

As for the 150 years the television advertising, no matter in terms of height or width, it can be termed a classic. Louis Vuitton has always been for me a layer of paste paper of the kind of people who worship it.

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