Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Murakami Louis Vuitton Store

Every time when Murakami collaborates with Louis Vuitton, he brings color and fun in it. The well-welcomed multicolor series is artistic and classy. Wanna have a feast for the eyes and appreciate all the Louis Vuitton*Murakami master piece? Come with me to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. There you’ll find your dream come true.

I don’t know since when commercials activities can step into Museum, but obviously, people consider Louis Vuitton Murakami designer handbags more than commercial. They are inside of scope of art. Anyway, you can find the Louis Vuitton Store featuring Murakami’s designer handbags Inside the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.

Murakami Louis Vuitton Store

Visitors were indeed snapping up the limited-edition leather goods, embellished with Mr. Murakami’s cartoon hands and Chibi Kinoko mushroom-shaped characters. Indeed, this is not like commercials but a marriage between art and fashion. But the fact is that the handbags are sold out quickly despite the crazy price. Some art-world purists charge that it has eroded the line between culture and commerce. But this charge is meaningless. The sour grape psychology.

The Murakami-Vuitton Store sets an example to the successful cooperation of art and commerce. On the one hand, artists’creativity is realized, recognized and paid back. On the other hand, the fashion brand remains vigorous thanks to the new blood injected by the art.

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